On a random day like today, I thought I'd post my little photo collage that shares some of the cool people in my life...
So here's what you're lookin' at:
1. "C" at his basketball banquet. I'm always so proud of his public speaking skills. At his elementary school, they have family literacy day once a month where beginning in Kindergarten, the kids practice speaking in public. Love it! It's worked!
2. Yep, we're a Chuck-E-Cheese family. One day when they've graduated from college, I know I'll long for those days that we went to Chuck-E-Cheese and spent the day playing skeet ball, basketball hoops, and eating pizza.
3. "MJ" and I in our football jerseys. The funny thing is that he looks like me but acts like his dad whereas "C" - our oldest - looks more like his dad but acts more like me.
4. "MJ" and one of his cousins hanging out.
5. Me and my babe after working hard in his mom's backyard for a summer BBQ dinner party she had for a group of teachers.
6. One of our first family pictures. The baby is "C" and the oldest in this picture is our son Anthony...he's grown now with a child of his own.
7. That's "C" playing in the snow.
8. That's me at probably 6 years old or so. My mom (who was also my aunt...my birth mother passed away when I was young) had 3 girls. She ALWAYS kept our hair soooo nice and neat.
9. The brothers showing some love!
10. My sister-in-law, my boys, and my niece/nephews. This was so much fun. I REALLY have the BEST sister-in-law ever! It's so cool because her first name is the same as our birth mother's first name and her middle name is my first name....God had to have His hand in this!
11. My self-portrait after taking the boys and one of their friends to the waterpark which is something I RARELY do without my husband. This day was a big deal
12. Me and the boys just hanging out in front of the computer.
13. Me and my baby at a friend's wedding. It was one of the hottest days but was one of the COOLEST weddings I've been to in a while....come to think of it, I don't get invited to too many weddings...go figure...maybe it's because most of my friends are already married...hmmm.
14. "MJ" with his iPod. It's really hard to find anything beyond Christian music that the boys like and that I think have decent lyrics. I am forever googling lyrics before downloading songs they request for their iPods...sigh.
15. Are those legs under the car??? Yep, that's Tony removing a bunch of oil out of the truck after I put way too much in the car...oops! He said it was low...I guess not that low.
16. That's my granddaughter. After having 2 boys, she's the reason that I learned how to do little girl's hair. I scoured blogs and youtube videos to get it down....thank God for the internet.
17. "MJ" on a scooter I found at the Thrift Store for around $7. I love thrift stores and yard sales.
18. Our first time at Rainforest Cafe. We hung out with my sister-in-law and her kids...no hubbies...trust me, they didn't mind!
19. Speaking of my sister-in-law, there is my brother. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my brother. We've gone through so much together so I think we really understand each other in a way that many people can't. He shows me lots of love but is not afraid to challenge me when I'm wrong which I appreciate.
20. "C" at this really cool dental office that I found. Where was this when I was a kid???
21. Tony and I on our very first ski trip. He took lessons. I was too chicken and I don't like being cold. Maybe next time...
22. Tony with his brother's children and a couple others. Our kids get along really well and it's a ton of fun hanging out with their family.
23. "C" at the waterpark with an Obama basketball that he won...doing what, yep, playing basketball. This little boy has loved sports since he was a toddler. He's very athletic...the funny thing is that today he told me had a body like Reggie Bush...we died laughing....although I think he really thinks he does....gotta love the boy!
That's mi familia. I love them....there are still lots more of them for you to meet.
Since we're talking about family, there is no way I can close this post without this all-time favorite family reunion song. In the African-American family, I don't think it's a good family reunion or family gathering UNLESS you play this song. Hope you enjoy....I'm grabbing a glass of lemonade and doing a two-step. (smile)
Monday, February 15, 2010
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I love your collage. You really have a cute family.
Thanks Angela! Hope you're doing well!
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